As humans, whether we acknowledge it or not, we are deeply intertwined with the ever-evolving seasons. Our connection to the natural rhythms of the year is embedded deep within our ancestry, although it has become a lost art in the modern world of instant access, overstimulation, and the pervasive use of technology. However, for those attuned to mother nature's subtleties, you can still feel the shift that happens in Spring. Recognizing these energies is a whisper that you’re divinely connected to Mother Earth and your ancestors. 

In the Western world, we seem obsessed with the notion of setting massive year-long intentions on January 1st, but if we look to nature as our cue, we will find that deep in the months of a shivering cold winter is not the time for manifesting change...

And instead…always wait for spring. 

Last year marked a magical journey through the Zodiac for me. I deepened my connection to the stars and allowed them to show me the way when it came to evolving my business more sustainably. I learned to lean into the energies of the year instead of fighting against them. Around March 21st, we collectively entered the Aries season, marking the beginning of a new astrological year. Aries is highly connected to the energies of spring which makes sense when you look at the planet it’s ruled by. Mars is the planet of action and endless energy and it asks you fearlessly to go after your dreams with unwavering confidence in your heart. 

..Spring is your rebirth..


As we embrace Spring’s energetic charm, we feel our internal selves gently unfurling from the chilly, slumbering cocoon of winter. Have you noticed that come March, your calendar starts to magically fill up? That you become more open to impromptu visits from your friends? Nature whispers to your soul, and invites you to step outside, and re-enter the world once more. 

While the Winter months encourage introspective reflection, a precious period once a year to focus your energy inward, to sit with the presence of your heart and desires. This is Spring, a returning to yourself and an invitation to embrace renewal of your spirit.

Spring dazzles you with the promise of new energy, both for yourself, and the world around you. If you tap into this luscious call, you’ll witness your renewed self blooming just as vibrant as the flowers. You like the leaves, and the trees, are reborn once more. 

Today we celebrate the energy of renewal that pulses through the air by unveiling the inspirations behind and first sneak peek of 'Ostara' our Spring and Earth inspired One-of-a-kind Collection that arrives Friday, May 10th.

Each one-of-a-kind collection is infused with my soul’s need for expression, reflecting to you the magic that lingers from my finger tips as I create these wearable pieces of art. Forged from the musings and folklore connected to each season, our Spring + Earth collection embodies the energy of green witchery, plant magic, and the grounding power of nature.


Green witchery served as a prominent muse in this collection, particularly evident in our chosen symbolic representations like the use of snakes, as well as healing plants and herbs.

Spanning many cultures, snakes are used as symbols for rebirth, and renewal, mirroring the precise energetics of Spring. Snakes possess the unique ability to shed their skin, metaphorically embodying the cycle of life, the change of seasons, and the eternal dance of death and rebirth. 

As we step into the catalyst of Spring and this collection, we too shed our old skin, releasing old thoughts, and patterns, and making way for the new. Adorning oneself with snakes symbolizes embracing the energy of renewal, signaling to the universe you are new and you’re ready to be revealed to the world in your new, shiny form. 

Whether you’re seeking to be more connected to Earth and nature, or you simply yearn for an energetic nudge to shed your old ways, embracing snake medicine is how to cast this spell into the cosmos. 


On the other hand, if plant magic is your thing look no further. This collection also honors a variety of flowers, plants and herbs such as Trilliums, mint, nettle, oak leaves, cannabis and more, and I promise we will be getting into plant magic in the coming weeks!


This collection is also about recognizing and honoring the grounding abilities of nature. The bone and claw casting designs ground the wearers with reminders that earth is always here to support you - all you need to do is ask. Deepening your sense of connection to the earth, and reminding you that you’re not separate from nature, but instead an integral part of nature. 


I carefully selected stones for this collection based on the frequencies of Spring, each stone has a different and unique ability to be worn as part of the ritual to ground you, bring you back to yourself, and connect you to Mother Earth this season. 


Use this map to find the enchanted piece to bring into your life, your soul will guide you to what stone will amplify your energies and connect you to your 2024 spring intentions…

note: Most of the stones in every one-of-a-kind collection this year will only be used once, so if a particular stone is calling you, know that it is only in this collection!

For mystics seeking support in a daily grounding ritual…

Onyx is used as a powerful grounding stone, helping you to transmute negative or dense energies and provide you with clean, vibrant frequency. 

There are also sprinkles of Lodolite in this collection, which is said to connect you to nature, which makes this tool a great tool in any grounding practice. 

For spellcasters needing a reminder of their connection to the earth, not just inhabiting it…

Amber will be a powerful reminder. Wearing this stone helps connect you to the earth’s energies that are here as supportive tools if you allow the frequency into your consciousness. 

Jade acts as the harmonizer of this collection, this stone seeks out those who need balance in their lives and emotions. 

For my charmed ones who seek protection…

Pyrite is highly protective and is linked to helping you shield against negativity, including negativity from self-limiting thoughts. 

For enchanted beings craving versatility and open to healing in all forms…

Quartz is a versatile stone with an array of properties, but one of the most magical aspects of quartz is how it can be programmed to your specific desires. 

Emerald might also speak to you, as it is a great healer, and can connect you to your heart chakra. 

Also, be sure to check out the pieces with Chrysocolla and Prasiolite, as both of these stones are linked to greater communication, helping you to express your hidden desires and the healing of the heart.


Every one-of-a-kind collection is a heartfelt act of devotion to the seasons, a piece of my soul for you to wear. I hope you enjoy the new pieces of my heart that are shared through this collection. 

The most magical part of releasing any collection is once it is out in the world, it is no longer mine, but now yours

Let every piece spark something in you, reflect a message from your ancestors, and connect you in greater ways to the land this Spring season. 

The moment you claim a piece, know it was energetically created because of you, stones find us, we do not find them. 

*Special Announcement*: We will be handling rings a bit differently for this collection. We will be photographing and selling them without the stones set. This means that VIP's can "name their own size" during VIP shopping and the first day of our release. After that the rings will be sized and set. So if you have your eye on a ring for this collection, make sure to purchase it that first day so you can get the size you need.

Stay tuned for more Sneak Peeks and Inspirations behind our latest collection!

Header photo credit: @light_witch

Arrives Friday, May 10th - VIP Shopping is from 9:30AM-10:30AM Pacific

Not a member of our VIP Inner Circle? Click Here to join now for exclusive early access!









April 25, 2024 — Alex Camacho